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MOMentum Collective

You KNOW that your business is the path to your family's freedom and the life you always wanted them to have.Monthly laser-focused coaching + endless resources + your mom community = your best, most enjoyable time ever as a CEO Mom.

I see you, CEO mama.

You’re pouring yourself into making your business not just a salary but the path to your family’s freedom and generational wealth - and the life you always wanted them to have. 

You KNOW that your goals are possible and you might even be seeing other people doing exactly what you do absolutely CRUSHING IT - but you can’t seem to crack the “secret code” to doubling or tripling your income without doing the same to your work hours.

(Pssst. The secret code is different for everyone - and that’s why you’re stuck.) 

Maybe you're doing "all the right things" (posting content, asking people to raise their hands, growing your email list) but you're not seeing the results that align with that.

 You KNOW that $10K months aren't the end goal for you - they're just the next step in your journey…and that you were made for so much more. 

You plan a launch in perfect detail…and then two of your kids come down with the flu and are out of school for a week. 

 You FINALLY have a content plan for the month and you’re all ready to batch 25 Reels…and you catch a hacking cough and lose your voice. (Ask me how I know)

You’ve considered giving up…but you KNOW that you’re called to something BIGGER than just you. And you’re ready to go ALL. FREAKING. IN.

If you've ever wondered:

  • How can I continue growing my business when I feel like I keep losing momentum?
  • What offers make the most sense for me to hit my revenue goals AND have the time freedom I desire?
  • How can I market consistently without making it complicated and showing up on 7 different platforms?

And most of all - HOW can I make this year BETTER than the last?

It comes down to 3 things:

1. The Right Strategy for your unique business and life

2. The Right Community around you to support you

3. Consistent Action to make sure your plan actually HAPPENS

In the Collective, we'll spend 6-12 months together, focusing on intentional growth, fleshing out your offer suite for more flexibility, and the strategy and energy of consistent sales bringing more and more momentum into your revenue and life!

I want you to have FUN in your business, to put out content that feels like you and that speaks directly to your person, and to have an offer suite that lights you up!

6-12 Months From Now...

  • You could have launched your beta 1:many offer
  • You could have grown your audience by thousands and have new leads coming in every day
  • You can wake up every morning knowing that sales WILL be popping into your inbox
  • You could have filled your 1:1 and launched a digital product that makes sales on the regular

The Collective is For Mom Entrepreneurs Who...

  • HAVE an online business - have been in business for longer than a year but what you've built now isn't on track to build the freedom and life that you want for your family
  • Are ready to get in the room with a mentor and a group of women who are not playing small, and who will cheer them on and push them to get outside their comfort zones and take BIG action
  • Have BIG DREAMS for their business that might sound delulu to say out loud (but you know deep inside that it IS possible and are ready to show the world your power)
  • Are DONE with all the scattered courses and are ready to start plugging into a mastermind container with a focus on using the trainings and resources that will move you forward on YOUR custom journey

When you join you get immediate access to...


EVERYTHING you need to create offers you love, market them with authenticity and sell them with more ease

CEO Mom Academy ($1997) - My signature program with all my best stuff on booking yourself out - offer creation, productized services, mom-viable marketing, sustainable systems and of course the CONTENT THAT CONVERTS module - everyone's favorite!

The Leveraged CEO Accelerator ($1997) - The exact step-by-step process to not only build an audience, generate leads, make sales and deliver your offer - in an automagical way! The templates in here are GOLD.

Momentum Marketing Masterclass ($997) - How to create your momentum-based marketing plan. This means that all of your promotions, audience expansion, and front-and-back-end marketing all work together to create seamless growth in your income and impact!

Profitable Private Podcasts ($47) - How to use private podcasts to generate leads, sales and raving fans and clients!

The Sales Explosion Workshop ($247) - Steal my five-figure strategy that shows you exactly how to generate sales for months with a combo of high ticket offers and a popup sale (think Black Friday on steroids)!

The Non-Woo Mindset Makeover ($497) - my “most underrated program ever” according to my clients. 5 weeks of daily mindset audios and journaling prompts to clear your limiting beliefs, take intentional and unapologetic action and start showing up for those sales like a CEO Mom. You’ll be coming back to this again and again!

The Get Clients Bootcamp ($497) - 5 weeks of daily audios and email prompts (M-F) to help you get in the habit of showing up consistently and daily sales activities to geet you those clients

NEW: The CEO Mom Club ($550) - immediate access to my Telegram broadcast channel where I'll be sharing exactly how I'm gunning for multiple 6-figures in 2024 while prepping my business for baby!BONUS: Any other courses or workshops I sell during your time in the Collective!


Monthly MOMentum Coaching Calls (at the beginning of each month) - this will be focused on strategy to get your monthly momentum going and will touch on things like - which sales actions make the most sense to take, how to eliminate mindset blocks that are keeping you stuck, how to make your messaging magnetic, offer tweaks to help them sell more, and so much more. (value: $6,000)

Monthly week-long Telegram Q&A channel the third week of every single month where you can get my insight on ANYTHING in your business and get answers to anywhere you're stuck so you can get back on track. Sky's the limit, ladies! (value: $6,000)


An exclusive peer-led community where you can connect, collaborate and mastermind with other CEO Moms just like you

I don't exaggerate when I say that I attract THE BEST PEOPLE into my world. Hands. Down. I promise this will be the BEST investment in people you could ever make.

TOTAL VALUE = $22,000+

Click the link to see the current bonuses and specials!

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